Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 13th


            BC and Sparky had put two of MR’s sneakers by the door to the deck.  The windows in their house didn’t have windowsills wide enough to put a shoe on, unless maybe it was a baby shoe, and they didn’t have any of those.  Sparky was hoping that since MR had size 10 feet that they’d get either several goodies or one large one.  BC shook his head, as his experience was that not everyone in this world wants to give you presents.  In fact, most of his life he’d had more negative interactions than positive ones.  If it hadn’t been for MR, his life wouldn’t be worth living. She’d rescued him from the nasty men and dogs at the farm and brought him to New Jersey where he’d made his first real friend, Sparky. 

            Sparky had napped through most of the day in hope that she’d be awake when the Jólasveinar arrived. So, when she heard someone open the refrigerator, she was already alert.  Keeping close to the floor she slithered into the kitchen doorway and listened.  Yup, she thought, whoever that is it’s not the Daddy and he’s not speaking English.  It’s gotta be a troll.  She heard the refrigerator door close and a chair being pulled out from the table, and then heard the sound of someone chugging something from a plastic jug.  She could hear the sides being sucked in; the person was drinking so fast.  Unable to resist, she poked her head around the bottom of the cabinet and saw a large unkempt…thing finishing the half-gallon of milk. 

            Without thinking she said, “The Daddy’s not going to like that.  He likes cereal with milk in the morning sometimes. You should have left him some.”

“Bah, there’s a whole other carton in your cold box, kitty. Of course, I wouldn’t finish it all, well, unless there was only a little bit.  I’m Giljagaur, and my job is to drink your cows dry of milk, but since you uncivilized people don’t even keep cows, I took it from the cold box.” The troll was a bit gruff, but polite.

“You speak English?” “Of course, I do. In this day and age, even the Tröllin speak English. Else we’d not know what is happening in the world outside of our home in Dimmuborgir. So, are there any children here?”

Sparky was amazed at how pleasant this Giljagaur was. She stammered that no, there were no children and they didn’t have windowsills so they’d left their shoes by the door to the deck.  Giljagaur laughed and said, “The kitties in my land do not wear shoes, but perhaps I will find that you Amerískur kitties have shoemakers.  Come, show me.” 

A little embarrassed, she led him into the living room where MR’s big sneakers sat by the door. She looked at the floor, because obviously these were twenty times the size of her dainty feet. “So, little cat.  Do you have another kitty friend who has left their shoe or are you just a neatnik who cannot leave a single sneaker on its own?”  The troll smiled down at Sparky, who said that BC also lived there, but he was asleep on the bed with the Daddy right now.  Giljagaur reached down and scratched her head in just the right spot for exactly the right amount of time to send her into a blissful state, and when she emerged he was gone, but the shoes each had a small stuffed cow in them that smelled enticingly like catnip.  She pounced on one, wrestled it out of the shoe and rolled around on the floor with it until she again entered a state of sated bliss, after which she fell asleep.  She dreamed of trolls milking cows in the back yard, except instead of putting the milk in pails they were squirting it into their mouths and drinking it.  What a strange dream.

FROM: BC & Sparky <>

TO:       Archie <>

            Clementine <>

DATE:  12/12/23 2:27 pm

RE:       Nice troll

BC here. Okay. Sparky said we had a troll overnight, and since I didn’t have a catnip cow yesterday, I guess we did.  She said he was a pretty nice guy, although he did finish a carton of milk.  I think he was disappointed we don’t have kids here, but he left gifts rather than rocks, so all is copacetic.   


FROM: Clementine <>

TO:       BC & Sparky <>

             Archie <>

DATE:  12/12/23 4:28 am

RE:       Re: Nice troll

Yeah, we had a pleasant troll last night too, although the nasty one with the wooden legs racketed around in the basement again.  The nice one said that they each stay for twelve nights, so we have another ten nights of Mr. GrumpyTroll. We got catnip cows too!  I wonder if he’ll leave more gifts.  I like him.  Ursula says hi. 


 FROM: Archie <>

TO:       BC & Sparky <>

             Clementine <>

DATE:  12/12/23 5:49 am

RE:       Re: Nice troll

Cool, yeah some of them were nicer than others, but I’m glad they’re not here this year.

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